Hello again.
A few of you may have noticed that I haven’t been blogging on this site for some time.
Months have passed, in fact. The conclusion that most people tend to leap to in these circumstances, especially if the writer is of a certain age, is to assume that the person is dead. Have many times have you asked, “I haven’t seen anything of (insert name of subject here). Is he/she still alive?” Well, yes I am, but it was a close run race and just about the only people who held out any hope for me were my sons, my partner and an angel called Colleen. Colleen of course wasn’t a real angel, at least I don’t think so, but she performed a miracle nursing me while I was fighting lymphoma. By the way, you don’t battle cancer, the affair is more like a disorderly retreat in the face of overwhelming forces than a fight. So now I’m back, 40 kilos lighter and almost raring to go. Almost. You can judge for yourselves in the coming months.
Look after yourselves and remember, you have a mighty pen. Use it often and in a good cause.
Rune of the Day: Algiz reversed, Protection They came in over the balcony rail, silently avoiding the bed where we were enjoying an afternoon siesta. They followed their noses to the fragrant plastic box and delicately extracted it from the pile of personal possessions on the dresser. Then holding the box [...]